“When you educate one person you can change a life, when you educate many you can change the world.” Shai Resef
April 23rd is celebrated as a holiday in Turkey as it is a National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. Not only it is celebrated nationwide as National Holiday but also by tradition kids receive gifts in celebration of this day. BTF volunteers decided to start a campaign to make this day extra special for the school kids who live in underprivileged areas in Turkey; and as a result 23NisanGifts4Kids have come to life!
Covid-19 has affected school age children everywhere in the world and rural school students in Turkey have been dealing with more problems since remote education was not an option for many of them due to either lack of virtual education or their families simply cannot afford electronic devices.
The new semester started after a long closure in Turkey on March 1st, 2021. Because school children were hit harder in rural areas during the pandemic, they need lifting up and be motivated more than ever. BTF volunteers and rural area school teachers are in constant communication via e-mail, phone conversations and whatsapp messages in order to better understand what they need most and to arrange the delivery of educational sets to schools.
We put together some of our 4Kids sets to help motivate the children after being away from school for so long. Our sets are Art4Kids, Backpacks4Kids filled with school supplies, Dictionaries4Kids, Kindergarten and Elementary level story books, EducationalToys4Kids, and Music4Kids. With the support of our donors, we already started having them sent to schools.
Below are the projects which we brought together to send to schools as 23NisanGifts4Kids:
Art4Kids — $250 Each Set
Backbacks4Kids with school supplies— $15 Each
Books4Kids — Kindergarten Set $200, Elementary Level Set $300
Dictionaries4Kids — $3 Each
Educational Toys4Kids — Kindergarten Set $500
Music4Kids — $500 Each Set
A more detailed information about BTF4Kids sets could be found in this link: https://medium.com/building-bridges/2020-2021-btf-educational-projects-d1f252ba77be
Would you like to send 23NisanGifts to schools? If the answer is yes, please pick a school on Map4Good and e-mail us at info@bridgetoturkiye.org: