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Event Series Event Series: World Gratitude Day

World Gratitude Day

September 16, 2038 @ 4:00 am - 7:59 pm EDT

“When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you and grow” S. Niequist Today, we are sharing our gratitude with the basic things we have that brings the life we live in: our breath, the blood in our veins, ourselves, beloved ones and our ability to dream for better possibilities. To the gossamer, flawless and happy future that comes with the full heart of thankfulness…

Tüm teşekkürlerimiz yaşamımıza, sahip olduklarımıza bugün: nefesimize, damarlarımızda dolaşan kanımıza, kendimize, sevdiklerimize ve düş kurabilme gücümüze. Şükredebilmenin getirdiği hafif, tertemiz ve mutlu yarınlara…


September 16, 2038
4:00 am - 7:59 pm
Event Category: