BTF President

Emin Pamucak was born in 1959 in Kütahya, Türkiye, to immigrant families from Ottoman Turkish towns in Bulgaria and Greece. After receiving his elementary school education in Türkiye, Emin received his secondary education in suburban metropolitan Washington, D.C. He holds BS and MS degrees in engineering from Boğazici University and the University of Maryland. He has worked at IBM and LENOVO in various corporate capacities at company locations in Minnesota, New York, Connecticut, and North Carolina.

Retired after 35 years of service, Emin currently lives in Cary, North Carolina, with his wife Ayse. His personal mission is to make a positive difference in the world by giving back. A firm believer in grassroots civic representation, he has always been involved in community development and advocacy. As a servant leader, social responsibility is near and dear to his heart.

Aside from citizen-based initiatives, Emin is also an avid gardener and often finds inspiration in nature that fuels his passion for BTF’s mission. He likes to travel and enjoys the personal growth that comes through the adventure of new experiences.

Emin feels privileged to be a product of multiple cultures and has been an active member of ATA North Carolina, serving as a three-term President of the Association. He has received the Association’s Distinguished Member and Leader Awards and has led ATA North Carolina to be recognized as ATAA’s Component Association of the Year. The Daughters of Ataturk have also recognized Emin with a Man of Outstanding Accomplishment Award. He has further served the Turkish-American community as ATAA Vice President for the Southeastern United States.

Emin is a founding member and the President of Bridge to Türkiye Fund. Over the last two decades, he has steered BTF from a small local nonprofit startup with a Working Board to a professional and sustainable organization with a Governing Board. His ongoing objective is to surround BTF’s entire philanthropic community of givers and recipients with a world-class organization to support them. Emin is also a founding member and former treasurer for the Aziz and Gwen Sancar Foundation, where he continues to volunteer regularly.

E-Mail : emin@bridgetoturkiye.org
